The major role of the team manager is to provide support for the coach. This allows the coach to focus on coaching the team rather than team administration. The following is a list of responsibilities for the team manager. The manager can either perform all the tasks or delegate. In either case, it is the responsibility of the team manager to ensure that all tasks are performed.
1) Ensure proper distribution of all correspondence to parent from both the BYBA and the EYBA.
2) Help distribute jerseys to players and keep a list of each player and their corresponding number. Each team will receive a set of 15 jerseys in a wide range of sizes.
3) Ensure that the game sheet is filled out and a volunteer is supplied for the score bench for every game.
4) Ensure, when advised by the BYBA or EYBA, that all players, parents, and coaches are made aware of any changes in practice or game times.
5) Deal with all administrative issues that may be required by the BYBA.
7) Attend BYBA meetings when the coach is unavailable or ensure that a team representative is present.
8) At the end of the season collect all the uniforms. Collect equipment and return along with the uniforms back to the BYBA equipment manager.